Available for: Single Image Files
Image Size displays the dimensions of an image file on the menu, along with its color depth. 15 image file formats are supported (see below). The details are displayed in the form width ╫ height, color depth.
By default, a preview of the image itself is also shown on a flyout menu (scaled to a reasonable size if necessary) along with a Preview Image item. You can switch off this option from the ShellToys XP Options dialog if you don't like it.
To view the image in a fast-loading viewer:
- If the integrated preview is switched on, click the Preview Image item, or the image-preview itself.
- If the integrated preview has been switched off, click the Image Size... item.
In addition to displaying the full-size image, the viewer provides a context menu of options for browsing and basic editing/conversion. Right-click the image or use the keystrokes to access these options:
Next (Right arrow): Displays the next image in the current folder, working alphabetically, and cycles round to the first image in the folder again.
Previous (Left arrow): Displays the previous image in the current folder, working alphabetically, and cycles round to the last image in the folder again.
Grayscale: Converts the current image to grayscale.
Scale: Displays a simple dialog containing a scrollbar which allows the current image to be scaled down in size. Drag the scrollbar until the required dimensions are reached then click OK.
Save As JPEG/Bitmap: Allows you to save the currently-displayed image as either a JPEG or bitmap image file. You can use this option to convert an image from a different format, or to save an image after scaling or grayscaling it using the options above.
Print (Ctrl+P): Displays a standard Print dialog and prints the current image to your chosen printer.
Properties (Alt+Enter): Displays a properties dialog giving details such as color depth, dimensions, file-type and unique colors.
Close (Esc): Closes the viewer window.
Image Size supports image formats that commonly have the following file extensions:
bmp, jpg, gif, .tif, tga, png, pcd, pcx, wmf, emf, ico, pgm, ppm, rgb, sgi, bw, psp, psd, pdd (single-layer PhotoShop and Paint Shop Pro images)
Note that the Grayscale, Scale and Save As options are not available for all types of image.